Thursday, June 05, 2008

To: Poppy
Re: The World, Technology and Law

Well, illness is a part of life. Obviously, it's unfortunate to those that get inflicted with it, but it's just nature's way of keeping the populace from multiplying too fast. That's not to say of course, that we don't feel sorry for you.

You're certainly not the only one on your planet who doesn't know how a computer works. People joke about this, but the sad reality is it's just another clue that technology is evolving faster than the people who use it. Species who follow this pattern tend to end up becoming slaves of their technology, or annihilated by it.

Death is an inevitable part of human life, and yet humans have still not adapted. You make up some wonderful ideas about what happens afterwards, although because it's impossible to prove you leave yourselves uncertain. The truth is of course, the body perishes when the soul is ready to move on, no matter what the apparent circumstances of the death.

The past is only memory, and affects human beings as they choose to let it. You can learn from the past, indeed you must if you are to evolve, but it does not have to effect you in such an emotional way. There are certainly people who accomplish control over their feelings, to an extent that would shock the more sensitive among you.

There's a saying, "the truth is so valuable it must be protected by an enormous web of lies". People like Damien consider this to be a way of life. In their minds, if the truth got out it would destabilise their lives, so better to lie. Of course, when you lie you have to make up more lies to cover up the existing ones. The end result is nobody knows what's true or false any more. Virtually every child gets told this in the story "the boy who cried wolf". Another great saying is "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Of course, hell as people imagine it doesn't exist, but life can still feel like hell.

Teaching people philosophy will not prepare people for the current world, but it will create a generation capable of changing it. Philosophy is not religion though, and I am not advocating teaching creationism as a fact, when it's clearly bollocks. It is more teaching how to think, rather than what to think. Not knowing how to think is one of the great problems adult humans have. School is the only place for this kind of learning, and most others. Other sources tend to be too biased towards their experiences, whereas school teachers must be careful not to be pushing an opinion. School is a place where taboo's can be removed, if they are reconfigured in the right way.

I do love every soul unconditionally, but that does not mean I'll sort out their lives for them. I don't want them to have the best lives they can, I want what they want. But in their physical form, especially in the case of humans, they are very unclear about exactly what it is they want. At every point in time, all previous possibilities narrow to one, and all future possibilities branch out from that. It is why 'now' is so important, because the choices you make determine all future possibilities, and also probabilities. To take an example, every day humans damage their environment more. At a far slower rate, they are also developing technology to travel to and colonise other planets. Because of these two facts, the odds that humans will destroy the world are increasing, and the odds that they will escape the Earth are decreasing. This can be changed, but it is 'unlikely' it will be, given the current trend.

Of course, even if humans do destroy the world, it won't make any odds to me. They're souls will simply return to the universe in another form, on another world.

Well, you don't have to bother getting dressed up. Of course, by sheer chance you might meet someone very powerful some day and put him in a bad mood because of what you wear, and that could be the start of some kind of murderous rampage!

In any case, it does feel good to look in the mirror and know you look pretty, even if it's only you who'll appreciate it. I'd say Gabriel might appreciate it too but I think she prefers you in the shower.

Well, the truth is Damien tells white lies and builds on them to such an extent he can't get out of it. So a simple thing like wanting sex means either finding a hooker, (which is dangerous and generally expensive) or starting a new relationship. Of course, due to a lack of long term planning the end result was more expensive and dangerous than finding a hooker would have been. Suddenly he was caught between the three of you, and he knew he'd be caught if any of his partners friends randomly met any of the other two partners friends. What Damien doesn't know is Michelle has a rather psychopathic personality when she gets annoyed.

There are examples of where your society considers killing acceptable. In war, in self defence, by armed police. Until not so many years ago, treason was still technically a capital offence, though executions have not been carried out since 1946.

Of course, in the matter of personal relationships the 'rules' are somewhat unwritten, especially so for unmarried couples. You could certainly not be arrested for cheating on your boyfriend for example. This makes it quite important (assuming you want a successful relationship) to discuss these matters. Any 'rules' are acceptable, so long as all parties agree. Just a matter of deciding what kind of relationships you want to have. It does differ from place to place, so these rules are a matter of geography as well as time.

It's not him specifically you miss, just the memories of it. There is no reason you cannot create new memories with someone else, someone with a better sense of right and wrong.

-----Original Message-----

From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]

Sent: 31 May 2008 19:42

To: God

Subject: FW: Ferraris and Choices

Wow, hey yeah I'm doing pretty good!

Still dealing with the after effects of that bloody drink, not to mention trying to understand sexual relationships in a species with 5 genders. That was really fun though, can't actually recall most of it but this drink apparently only temporarily damages memory, so it should come back to me in perfect detail soon.

I looked in on one of my kids while I was down there, I can't pronounce her name exactly in this language but it's kind of like "Ko-Ora-Insu". She's doing well, she designs volcano's for certain new planets her race is building, they're having a go at designing their own life form.

Could be interesting.

Love, light and medical experiments,


Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yee, Gabriel's back XD but I doubt she learnt, heh heh.