Re: Love, Change and Reason
Oh yes, time travel is possible. It is only dangerous to those who use it however, because if they change anything they'll end up trapped in the alternate timeline they created, with no way to get back. The result is there ends up being two timelines, but nobody can go between them.
The short answer is you don't know, humans can only see the short term with any real accuracy, so that's what you have to go on. You simply need to think of what you can do to have a positive impact in the short term (positive being relative to your own values of course). You can't possibly judge what these things are going to do long term, therefore there's little point worrying about it, simply because lack of action would have an impact too.
Christianity 'has' changed over the centuries, albeit slowly. Certainly slower in recent days than most other groups, barring religions. So Christianity certainly isn't the same as it was in its inception, which is a good thing because if it were, they'd be killing people left right and centre. The way people think is one of the big things that divide humanity, because most people base their core beliefs on inductive reasoning. This allows people to come to different (often stupidly so) conclusions, rather than deductive reasoning, which with enough valid premises only results in one possible outcome. Of course, there is only one universal truth, rather than the foolish 'many truths' idea, which only really exists to allow people to coexist with each other and has no basis in reality.
As to the contraception thing, based on their beliefs they shouldn't change. A little investigation however shows that your world is becoming overpopulated, far too much in some places. Despite their preaching, it should be obvious that casual sex isn't going to go away. Given that, it only makes sense to take measures designed to prevent the problem. Those groups that don't will eventually be shunned by society, and will therefore die off.
The need to reduce everything to science is because on a fundamental level, everything is science. We designed the universe that way (simply because it was the only way to do it). Still, humans have misinterpreted love. It isn't about flowers or wine or walks along a moonlit beach, although those things are obviously pleasant. Love is simply the desire that most being possess, the desire to be part of the whole again, the source from which you all came. Humans get the closest to that experience again when they have sex, which is why it is quite appropriately also called making love. Simply put, it is a desire to share all experiences, thoughts and feelings with another person. It is of course, extremely rare for humans to accomplish true unconditional love, even for just one other person. It's something to strive for though, and regardless the experience awaits you all.
While no method of contraception (short of extreme means) is guaranteed to be effective, if everybody used it when they were not looking to procreate the amount of children born would drop drastically. This would, given time reduce the population to more manageable levels. Proper education and the resulting abandoning of traditions and religious beliefs would accomplish this.
If that belief, that people with genetic disorders and such should be allowed to have children is valid then why not for couples in incestual relationships as well?
I'm afraid however, that human rights do not apply to myself or to the angels. Nor do I directly interfere with their choices, but she'll be leaving soon, which will give you a bit of a break.
Actually, there are a massive amount more experiences involving murder that we need, so feel free. I don't want you to think I'm restricting you from having any experience you desire.
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 22 June 2008 23:13
To: God
Subject: FW: Parenting
Well, I don't like making promises. It binds you, limits your potential experiences. You should never make more than very short term promises, because you don't know what you're going to feel like in a year's time. Hah, I seemed like such a good person! Try telling him about M_ses or Jesus!
Heh, no you don't need to guess, he was doing dirty things to me within the hour. Had a thing about my feet for some reason, still not sure what that was about. Still, I'm up for most anything...
Well, Camael has been at least partially responsible for several thousand suicides so yeah, it's possible. Anyway, I won't be watching you in the shower for a bit, since I'm getting ready to go find the kids.
I'm sure that'll be a great comfort to you, even as I tell you Camael's the replacement for me!
Love, light and medical experiments,
Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!
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