Re: Fear and Consequences
The problem with the afterlife is that we don’t have any way of getting any concrete proof for it until after we die, so a lot of the time we have to take someone else’s word for it, whether it’s someone else’s beliefs, a religious experience or something more official like the Bible. We don’t all sit here inventing stories for what we think happens after we die. If we didn’t think these other sources made sense, we wouldn’t believe in them. Even with you, I’m still no better off because I’m still only taking your word for it. I assume you’re not lying to me (I know you said you never lie to anyone, but you could be lying about that), but I assumed once that the Bible wasn’t lying to me. If people didn’t take that leap of faith and assume what they were being told was true, nobody would believe in any kind of afterlife, so they’d be further away from the truth than they would be if they weren’t religious. Having no beliefs is not better than being religious, because a lot of people would use that as an excuse to do whatever they want and forget everyone else because it won’t make any difference. There are so many selfish, hurtful things you can do to enjoy yourself that aren’t against the law, so there’s nothing stopping them from doing those things.
A lot of people are nice people. I can be told there are no consequences for things and I still won’t do them because they just disagree with what I think is right, but a lot of other people wouldn’t. It’s not hard to see either. Once you take away the consequences, whether it’s from you or the police or whatever, people do whatever they want. When the cat’s away, the mice will play, like they say. There are some areas of my town normal people just don’t go any more because of the type of people who hang out there and what they do, and the police don’t do anything about it either, even when they KNOW those people are there and what they do. Then those people just continue because they have nothing to fear. It’s the same with all this fuel theft that’s been going on recently with people filling their cars at the garage and then just driving away without paying. Even when they’re caught on camera with their number plates and it would be more than easy enough for the police to track down where they live from that, they still do nothing because of so many layers of regulations and bureaucracy that it’s impossible for them to do anything. If I drove, even I’d be tempted to steal fuel. I’m an honest person but they just make it so easy! I wish it didn’t take fear of punishment to stop people from doing bad things, but it does a lot of the time. There’s no fear of the police, and there’s no fear of you, so what’s going to stop people doing bad things?
It’s hard for kids not to be embarrassed about sex. It’s just the way things are. Sex is a really adult thing and most kids just aren’t mature enough to be able to take it seriously and understand it. It’s only natural that they should get embarrassed. It’s the same way guys get embarrassed talking about girl stuff and vice-versa.
People are having fun when they’re having sex, never mind the consequences. Of course trying to put a stop to people’s fun isn’t going to be a vote winner! Even I’d be against someone who thought they were going to change the situation with sex today because I’d know they were either very stupid and/or a total control freak.
You make it sound like everyone’s either going or gone completely mental because they’re ‘repressing’ themselves! I know there are rapists and stuff, but they’re the exception, not the rule. A totally free society would never work though. It would be chaos. People would just have sex wherever and whenever they wanted. Rape, STDs, unplanned pregnancies and all that stuff would end up going up because nobody would be afraid to do what they want. Perhaps some people would be better off if there wasn’t so much stigma associated with sex, but society as a whole wouldn’t be.
Things like NHS dentists and the police should be obvious to MPs. It’s all in the news enough, but politicians only pretend to listen when they’re trying to win votes. After the election they forget all about it. Unfortunately, the politicians who really have the power to make a difference all live in Downing Street which is always under guard, so they never have a reason to call the police and find out that they could be burgled ten times over before the police turn up, and they’re all rich enough to have private dentists (and probably claim it back in expenses too).
Nobody condones what’s going on in Zimbabwe, but it’ll be impossible to do anything without it turning into violence. The UK and America are in enough trouble with the rest of the world as it is with how our leaders like to jump into anything and send troops everywhere. I wonder if it did come to violence in Zimbabwe, we’d even have any troops left to send.
I’m so tired. I’m going to have to tell Jack he’s going to have to stop taking me out on a Saturday night if he still expects me to be able to get out of bed the next morning for church. I’m going to start falling asleep in church if I’m not careful.
Camael, I’m sure you do have good things happen to you, you’re just so depressed you don’t even notice them.
Why did you choose to be depressed? At the beginning of your life, what made it seem like a good idea? You weren’t forced into it. Are you just one of those people who enjoys torturing themselves?
I don’t get how your choices can be that closed to you. What would stop you if you decided to go out and do something fun? You must have some kind of interests. Everyone does.
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