Re: Sex and Politics
I allow religion to exist for the same reason I allow murders, rapes, diseases and such to exist. The reason is we desire all experiences, not just those that seem nice to humans. Just because something provides an answer doesn't mean it's the correct one, especially when the answer is based on faith. Of course, with humans not being able to currently delve into such mysteries it's the only one available to you. That doesn't mean you have to accept it.
No, it doesn't have to be that way. Deciding to have sex outside of marriage doesn't mean people will automatically have sex with anyone. Not that I'm suggesting for one moment that casual sex is in any way frowned upon by me. Even if everyone had casual sex, if done with the available precautions the populace would still be decreasing. The problem is twofold, firstly that young people get into it without being aware of the problems. The second is that those who do know a little about it don't care during the heat of the moment. Both problems could be solved with the proper education and laws in place.
I said they should not give out contraception to young children, not that they shouldn't make it available in schools at all. Giving a seal of approval to having sex is not wrong, I'm doing it myself here. What would be wrong would be to give it a seal of approval without providing information and precautionary measures.
The problems with democracy are well known, but what would be put in its place? In the case of Gordon Brown, in the UK people vote for a political party rather than a leader (technically), which allows the leader to change, even while the party is in power. Since nobody in the party really opposed him, he was able to take charge easily. Still, even if the people decide they've had enough, and refuse to vote for Labour in the next election, who are you going to replace them with?
Quite right, you should not make someone else the purpose of your life. Even ignoring the fact that you could lose them, it puts pressure on them to be good enough to be the purpose of your life. Eventually, that kind of thinking usually results in heartbreak. Love however, is simply an expansion of friendship. Many of the qualities in a romantic relationship can be found in friendship, it's simply a closer union. By no means does it have to be the only one though, and there is no reason for a loving relationship to restrict you in that way.
Well, the thing about angels is they are not human. They have different passions and desires. Some of them, the ones that devote their lives to what humans consider to be good things obviously seem more human, and Michael is a prime example of that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 26 June 2008 23:59
To: God
Subject: FW: Liberation and 'Democracy'
Oh don't worry about it. Nobody else does. Most people say stuff like that when I'm not there. Of course, the others just say it when I am there...
Well, I can't help making people depressed. It's what I am. People get depressed just by being near me. It's different for you. Even if you don't realise it, if you don't want to be depressed you don't have to be. Doesn't matter what's going on outside.
There is a reason I can't find someone like you have done, and that is because if I did, all that would happen is they'd depress me somehow. Probably because I'd make them depressed just by sitting near them feeding birds bits of bread, then I'd realise how I'd made them feel and get more depressed. After an hour or so the poor soul would drown himself in the river, and then a load of ducks would get scared, fly off and crap on me.
People have to ignore me, otherwise they might end up talking to me. Natural instinct for most people, not to talk to those who are gonna make you feel bad. The exceptions do it and get killed for their trouble. I suppose that's the big emotional problem, the fact that nice people can't really get to know me because they die soon after. Much better for people to just point and laugh. Perhaps I'll end up in a zoo somewhere, 'the eternally crying girl' or something, and children can come and tell jokes to try to make me smile. Come to think of it that's pretty much what it's like anyway...
Love and light are things that affect other people,
Signature - I'm not always this depressed... Except when I feel, think or do anything really...
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