Sunday, June 22, 2008

To: Poppy
Re: Religions, Love and Children

Whether what you read does you harm or not is entirely up to you, but the truth will do you no direct harm. You might do yourself harm depending on how you relate it to your life, but that is your choice.

Your life, like all others could have been a vast amount different. It could have ended at a very young age if you'd taken the decision to poke around in the mains electricity socket. If you go back a few years, the tiniest change then could/would have made a huge difference now. It's very much a ripple effect, once the tiny change is made the further into the future you go the greater the change in results. This is what potentially made time travel so dangerous. A person could travel back in time, then not be able to return to his present because it no longer existed, due to the simple fact that his appearance in the past moved some of the air molecules around him in a way that wouldn't have happened otherwise. This is also why we made it complicated enough that only a very technologically advanced society could accomplish it.

Still, these choices that result in the 'good things' happening can still be made now. Like a simple decision such as whether or not to smile at a passerby. That person, upon seeing you smile may then choose to stop and start a conversation, and from there open an entire new potential path for your life.

Humans have a great need to belong, to be part of something. This is part of what allows groups such as religions, or cultish followers of a book to flourish. If the human need was for independent thought rather than follow the leader, they might not join such things in the first place.

Still, given that humans do like to feel they belong to something which will lead them, one might think great care would be taken to create a group worthwhile joining. Obviously that's not going to happen with fictional books, such as Harry Potter or the Bible. So human begins have the ability to reason, to work things out. Sadly, most of them do not use it when choosing what to believe, it's more a case of 'have faith' and 'God works in mysterious ways'.

Every group must change however, although not for the purpose of 'fitting in'. Change because you see the reasons for change are better than the reasons for staying as you are. This applies to individuals as well as groups obviously. Religions are things that by their nature rarely change, at least relative to other groups not so bound by religious texts. Of course, groups have to coexist with other groups, and if people are unwilling to change they will become outcasts on their own world. There are clear indications that religions are going down this route. To take an example, the current Pope of the Catholic Church says contraception is wrong. Morally wrong. No actual reasonable justification for this, just that it's something God's supposed to be against. Their unwillingness to change will eventually result in either humanities stagnation (assuming enough people remain part of the religion) or in the religions end.

Of course, in my sublime form up here I cannot 'fall in love' as humans do. Through human experiences though, I do know what it feels like. This incidentally, is the purpose of life, for me to experience myself through you. I therefore must disagree with you, it is entirely possible to choose who you fall in love with, although 'falling in love' is a very human expression, usually referring to when you are in love with someone for reasons you cannot define. That doesn't mean they are indefinable, but most people have no interest in finding out about it. They feel it takes the romance away from it all.

The case in the news of the German brother and Sister was a perfect example. Let us imagine though, that such a couple did know they were related and went ahead anyway (which does happen, but for obvious reasons is kept secret more often than not). In these days, with contraceptives and surgery available to eliminate the possibility of children coming from it, there is no reason to have a law against it. Most human societies do however.

I imagine most couples who had adopted a child would disagree with you there. The bond is love, not simply because the mother has the child inside her for 9 months. Now of course, most people would agree choosing to give a child a disability is wrong. Still, how far should a society go to prevent it? Genetic screening of all potential parents? You'd have the human rights people out in droves.

Where all these checks apply to people who adopt children, it's interesting to note that no checks apply to new parents, or at least, none are forced on them. As to the Christian couple, one would think it wouldn't matter, since that subject would be covered in sexual education at school. To be honest, it might be better for society if say 50% of them were gay, if only so it would mean a certain amount less children would be produced. It is a little late for that, with the advances in IVF treatments, but it might help.

In that case, the truth did no harm. Since you do not really want to be a murderer it is not something you'll do. If that changes, you have the option, one of the consequences of having free will.

Well, it seems Damien and Michelle are having tough times, and what with the hormones and all she's becoming even more unstable. Damien would do well to be subtle if he's going to stare at his ex like that.

It's nice to see you've found someone like Jack to be with. That feeling of being able to relate to someone is quite special for humans, and it can make the most awful of situations seem like something easily handled.

-----Original Message-----

From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]

Sent: 22 June 2008 19:49

To: God

Subject: FW: Decisions, Money-spinning and Children

Ah, well you see I'm special, the rules don't apply to me. In any case, those are human laws! Heh, if Jack even mentions the angel Gabriel, I'd love to see what he says if you were to tell him 'she' watches you in the shower.

I did once manage to get the DJ to do that yeah, he got some weird looks of the people there but we had a lot of fun after he got off work that night so I don't think he minded too much come the morning.

Well, now that I think about it I guess that was about when I first heard it, so maybe a subconscious memory yeah. Heh, 'free love', funny you should mention that... I was pretty much responsible for it. I inspired the poem Epipsychidion by Percy Bysshe Shelley back in the day too.

Yeah, I've decided to begin making plans to go see some of them, so I'll be going in a few days. Well, you have to remember in a lot of societies (including the human one nowadays) children do grow up without their parents. It's not unusual really. Still, it could be fun I suppose...

That 1 night in Paris is really good, she stops having sex at one point to answer her phone... Like anyone would really do that.

Hah! I can just imagine you stuck in a house with them two. You and Raphael would probably find you have something in common when you snap and murder her. I could just kinda shove you and Camael into that but Raphael would be much more difficult, so it probably wouldn't happen. Pity really.

Love, light and medical experiments,


Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!

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