Monday, May 05, 2008

To: Poppy
Re: Choices, Disasters and What You Want

Well, the world is a mess because people do what they want. But it was not my will to create mindless drones, however perfect they might be. What possible use could I have for that? From a purely materialistic point of view, you might well be better off under total restriction of your freedom to choose your own actions. Of course, who's going implement the restrictions? Then you end up with a dictatorship, be it simply under the way people perceive me or from the rich and powerful directly.

Of course the world didn't have the problems hundreds of years ago that it did today, it just had different ones. Things like witch burning, people getting away with the most horrific of crimes because of the lack of technology to trace them, and utter belief in a God that nobody could actually show existed. As to stealing, murdering and wrecking the environment, well, people did all of those things in the past as well.

As to what you should think, well, you decide. If you think you're going to regret doing something then don't do it! Common sense applies here. Just because people think freely doesn't automatically mean they're going to do bad things, it just means they have the choice.

Do you see it as a good thing to believe in a God who would keep humanity bent low in prayer to him through threats of torture? You, all of you, have the potential to be much more than that. Of course, some people DO see that as a good thing. Those people are the priests and clerics of your religions.

Natural disasters as you say are not the result of people in most cases, although, by screwing up your environment you can expect more than you would otherwise get. But they are a means of population control. After all, if people didn't live near volcanoes and other places vulnerable to such things they might not have their lives destroyed by them. Humans are reproducing at a rate too high for their world. Self control is the key here. You all understand clearly, that there are too many people at the moment for your world. You could easily half your population in a single generation by limiting people to one child each. Of course, there'd be such an outcry about it that at the moment, it couldn't happen. As always though, it is up to individuals and society to sort out their own problems.

This is not to say I don't give a damn. But you see, I know that at the end of the experience of life, it all works out as it should. Part of the reason people feel helpless and that life is unfair is because they don't know for sure that it all works out ok.

Well, if you can't/don't want to be with the people you used to like find new people! There are certainly enough of them... The great thing about life is there are ALWAYS new experiences, new relationships, and new things to strive for. Seek them out if you want them!

-----Original Message-----

From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]

Sent: 5 May 2008 18:19

To: God

Subject: FW: Hedonism and Natural Disasters

It worked! My agents couldn't retrieve the trout, since Gabriel kept it on her the whole time (which drew a few stares from the other worshippers I'm told). In desperation I was about to give the order for them to gun everyone down and just take the fish when Michael brought it out to one of my agents.

Gabriel will be returning within the hour, and while I was intending to torture her with human children's bones, since I've got my trout back I'm in a good enough mood to forgo it. So she should be able to take her place back here, while I go continue with what I want to do. In future I will keep my trout better protected with some kind of Anti-Gabriel system. Maybe something so pure and chaste that she'd never touch it.

As to 'it', my plan worked didn't it? Well, let's say Gabriel had destroyed the trout and therefore I had nuked the world until it caught her, killing millions of people and leaving many times that number screwed over for many generations...

Is that wrong? I don't see why. As far as I'm concerned 'wrong' is anything that distracts me from my trout, and 'right' is that which enables me to experience my trout. 'Horrific' is anything that damages my trout. As to people, well they're just things that kind of get in the way, like leaves in your face. You just sweep them aside and carry on.

But hey rest easy, nobody will be any the wiser as to the money. Those bits of paper and metal you assign so much value to are already back in place.

Love, light and trout,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So smite me XD unless you want the sacred Gabriel deterrant, hee