Sunday, May 11, 2008

To: God
Re: War and the way things used to be

Wow, you really know how to reassure me. Couldn’t you have just lied to me and said that all aliens are nice and would never invade Earth? I’m going to spend the rest of my life paranoid that aliens are going to kill us all now.

I’ve got to say that if I was looking at the human race from the outside, I wouldn’t be best pleased with them, but we’re not all like that! This is making me even more paranoid now. More often than not, all of the bad things that have happened throughout history started as a result of one person, and it all just got out of hand. World War 2 wouldn’t have happened without Hitler, like loads of other wars. Wars aren’t started by groups, they’re started by individuals. The aliens would see that, wouldn’t they?

You make me feel bad about wasps now as well. They annoy me even more now that I know they don’t have a secret purpose and they’re just there to annoy people.

I went to church today. I would have felt really bad about it if I missed it two weeks in a row. It doesn’t feel the same as it used to though. I think I actually felt jealous of all the other people there who were able to completely believe in what was being said. Less than a month ago, I did too. I’m pretty sure I was better off before you told me everything you’ve been telling me. The Bible used to tell me how to live my life. Now everything’s really difficult. I don’t know what to think about things.

I don’t care if Damien does have feelings. He didn’t care about my feelings when he went off with two other girls.

Gabriel, you can just decide that you don’t want to experience jealousy, and that’s it? There are so many feelings I wish I could just turn off like that. You don’t realise how lucky you are.

I was worried that you’d say you’d like it if Michael did that. Maybe it wasn’t the best example.

I’m not saying people are controlled by their genes, but it must be an incredible coincidence that you and Jesus were so alike.

Like when you say ‘No more getting people pregnant for no apparent reason.’ No more? As in, you used to? Is there a whole horde of little Gabriels out there somewhere?

Is it a thing with all the angels where they start getting dangerous when they’re angry? Raphael and now Uriel… I don’t want to get on anyone’s bad side if they’re all like that. I still feel nervous about what Raphael was going to do to get his trout back from you.

I suppose your dedication is alright, since it’s the type of thing that you and other people can enjoy, but depression? I spend so much time feeling depressed, but that’s circumstances. How can anyone choose to spend their life being depressed? What an existence…


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