Tuesday, May 20, 2008

To: God
Re: Good lies and bad lies

I’d like to think it is caution justifying it, but when I look deep inside, I think it is fear. After what happened to my mum, I think it always will be.

I still think Santa Claus is a good idea, even if parents do lie about it. Santa makes Christmas special for kids. Christmas just wouldn’t be the same if it was just having presents on one day of the year. It would just take the festive spirit out of it all. I remember as a kid my parents used to take me to see Santa to tell him what I wanted for Christmas, and I used to write letters to Santa and leave snacks next to the fireplace for Santa and carrots for the reindeer on Christmas Eve. I know now that it’s not real, but I’m not a bad person because of it.

It’s different with birthdays. Kids get greedy on their birthdays because they know their parents are buying the presents, so if they don’t get something they want, then there will be huge tantrums because of it. If Santa doesn’t bring something they wanted, on the other hand, then the kids will learn next year that maybe they weren’t good enough this year, so they’ll behave better over the next year so they can get what they want for Christmas.

I know that lying can be really hurtful, but I can’t believe that it’s wrong in all circumstances. Then again, I can see your point. Like what you said about people having affairs. If Damien had told me straight away about Michelle, I might have been able to forgive him and we could have worked things out. As it was, I found out by accident months later. Maybe I wouldn’t have forgiven him though. I could have lived if it was just Michelle, but he got her pregnant, AND had another girlfriend I still know nothing about. That’s much more difficult, even if I had known from the start.

Religion is different than Santa Claus though. Religious people don’t know they’re lying. As far as they’re concerned, they’re telling the truth.

Why did the world exist millions of years before us? What made you decide one day that you were going to create a completely new species?

Even if I do change myself, it doesn’t change the events that have and still continue to go on around me. As much as I wish they weren’t, they’re a part of who I am now. Of course I’ve tried before to stop thinking about my mum, but it’s been nine years now and it never works. I wish it was that easy to just be able to turn off my feelings like that. There are some things I just think I’m never going to get over. Damien used to be able to distract me from thinking about my mum all the time, but now he’s another problem on my list. I could think of him and feel happy. Now I think of him and get just as upset about him as I do about my mum. There’s nothing I can distract myself with from all of the bad things now.

Camael, you never know. You could meet someone tomorrow for all you know. The amount of time you’ve been single doesn’t matter. 16 years might not be a long time for you, but it was for me. I was single and had never had a boyfriend one week, and the next week me and Damien were going out with each other. The same could happen for you.

I’m finding it hard to comprehend how anyone can possibly be worse than Raphael. Anyway, I KNOW not all of the angels are like that. You’re not the first angel I’ve spoken to. Just because some people are horrible, doesn’t mean all of them are. Why would nice people get you down though? That doesn’t make sense to me.

So you go to Beachy Head a lot? I wouldn’t mind meeting an angel, actually. The first time didn’t count because Gabriel and Michael got me so drunk I can’t remember any of it.


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