Thursday, July 24, 2008

To: Poppy
Re: Problems and Solutions

Though the resources are available to solve the problems mentioned, they are generally not available to those that need them, usually just because they cost money. In any case, their problems are physical ones, whereas yours are emotional. Still, the solution to any emotional problem lies not in changing the physical conditions, but your perception of them. You cannot bring back the dead. You cannot prevent people from dying. Still, you can recognise life's purpose, and that you are experiencing the situations you desire. The solution to your problem therefore is one of acceptance, rather than fighting to prevent what is now an almost inevitable outcome.

With regards to family, it might be pointed out you are acting towards your father much the same as he is to you. One difference though is that he is not dying as yet, and there is still time to resolve your problems. There's a saying regarding religion, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Give a man religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish". The point is you live in a universe defined by the laws of physics. Solving physical problems, such as not having enough to eat can only be accomplished by using those laws. These people need food, which means either they have to grow it or someone has to give it to them. I'm sure you can find some way in which you can profit from either, without completely ripping them off and having them live in poverty.

One could also make the argument that it is because charities like that exist that governments don't have to do anything. Why bother when people in general will pay the costs of such things? If suddenly, all those charities shut down, there might be enough public outcry to force the government into doing more. This applies to the US more than the UK though, since while the US spends more on AID than any other country (about $210,000,000,00 a year) as a percentage of its total income, it spends considerably less than any other country (about 0.16%). In comparison, the UK spends less (about $800,000,000,0), but that's 0.36% of its total income. Still, no country spends even 1%, which just shows how little people really care. This of course, is the key problem in society, the lack of caring. The government is a symptom of this, it is not the problem itself. The problem lies with the millions of people in the country who allow it to happen.

You do not have to meet someone identical to you in order to be friends with them. Differences can create bonds just as similarities do. Besides, your life is not all that bad as it is now. You are young and healthy, the only problem is how you perceive the world and the people around you. Jack is dying, as all of your species do. When he does, his soul will return to the source, or go on to new challenges. This is not something to be avoided, we need the experiences such as this to evolve ourselves.

As to where you're supposed to meet people, well, shopping? Randomly on the street? At the bus stop? People are everywhere. Finding them is never a problem. Most people feel much the way you do when they're in love, but try to remember that nobody's the ideal representation of perfection. There are always different people worth getting to know, and no one person can (or should) fill all of your desires.

A lot of very useful ideas are dismissed because people think them distasteful. At the moment, research is going on in the UK into the possibility of creating human/animal hybrid embryos. Many people object to this, usually on the grounds of religious views. Those that try to argue using other means are inevitably revealed to have no real objection, other than the fact that they don't like it. It's just a feeling, a tradition or whatever, but the real reason is always the same. Fear.

The problem with doing what 'just seems right' is that different people have different ideas of what 'just seems right'. This doesn't apply to individual preferences of course (except in extreme cases), but when a society is considering making a law to apply to everyone, you have to take reason into account as well. That is, if you're of the business of creating a society in which people are free to do what they will within reasonable restrictions.

You do not have to be distraught if you accept what's happening, and understand why it has to happen. Still, you do not have to be alone either, it's just a matter of meeting new people. There is a true danger of too many short term memories destroying the human mind. Dreams can mitigate this, but they have to be allowed to occur properly. Not getting enough sleep (in the long term) has serious physiological consequences, and is now being revealed to increase the chances of physical problems as well.

When people know they are going to die in the near future it usually becomes obvious what's important and what's not. Money is one of the things that is not important. He's right of course, it won't help him after he dies so he might as well spend it on things he enjoys now. The same with life in a way, he knows he will die whatever he feels about it, so he might as well simply accept it. People would do well to follow his example in such things. It is good to see that you and Jack are beginning to drop the silly social ideas of how a couple is meant to be together though.

Your soul is not laughing at you, it 'is' you. So in saying you hate your soul you are only saying you hate yourself. Your soul is that which makes you you and other people other people. It is why you see through your own eyes and not someone else's. Still, your soul is everywhere. It's just that it's more invested in your physical body than in other places. The further away from your body, the less it exists there, but at no point does it cease to exist at all. So your soul 'overlaps' with every other soul in existence, but the more physically close you are to someone the more this overlapping occurs. It is exactly the same kind of thing as gravity in fact.

As for the way the experience relates to you, that is entirely your choice. The great thing about it though, is you can always make that choice again.

-----Original Message-----

From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 19 July 2008 20:02
To: God
Subject: FW: Happiness and Heartbreak

You would think that, but apparently not. Most people don't, it's quite depressing when you think about it really...

I know it's possible because I've seen it happen, humans change from being happy to sad and vice versa. So I get to see humans doing what I can never do, which makes it all the more depressing...

If you're an exception you're the only human who is, most humans change their feelings more often than they change their clothes. Of course, they just don't know any better. They should just chose some nice feelings and stick with them. Not content with destroying their own feelings, they sabotage their relationships to further cripple their emotions. They're a silly species. I'd say it was funny but I've never laughed in my so called life.

The problem with the path you're on is it's forever branching out into different paths. You have to chose one at every point in your life. Once you've found one that makes you happy you've just got to stick to it. Of course, there are no paths that will make me happy, they've all been fenced off...

I suppose it's possible that our souls have a friendly bet going on, but I don't know who's going to be judging it afterwards. Probably Raphael given our luck. Still, you have the possibility of happiness and I don't. All you have to do is claim it. You don't even need anyone else to be able to do that, it's just something humans get to do.

I'd jump at the chance to swap souls, but unfortunately it's not possible. Even if it was, our souls are made up of the same stuff, so we wouldn't notice the difference. You say you dying would be a favour, but you can do that yourself. You don't need fate to force it on you. That's something a lot of angels envy about physical beings, they can end their lives almost whenever they like...

Love and light are things that affect other people,

Signature - I'm not always this depressed... Except when I feel, think or do anything really...

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