Re: Feelings
Well, not to deny how you feel, but there are certainly people worse off. Starving people, people dying of diseases which in another part of the world would be quite curable. These people are often as young as eighteen, or even younger still. Even so, your people have the resources needed to solve most of these problems.
Making friends is not a difficult thing to do. Meeting a new person with a reasonably similar (or at least interesting) personality to yourself is half the battle. The other half happens over time, spend enough time together doing things and you'll begin to see each other as friends rather than acquaintances. Meeting people can be done randomly or purposefully, doesn't really matter which. If you want to do it purposefully though, you'll need to either be introduced by an existing friend, or join some club or social event.
Well, there's all manner of uses for the human body, even after it's died. If it's done quickly enough, the organs can be used for transplant. If not, they could be used in research. One good idea would be to make some examples of each major part available to schools for the students to see. After all, it's a little pointless showing them pigs hearts. Bones could be of use to make furniture, or they could even be used to make Adhesive's. What about as a food source? Just a few ideas. I'm sure human beings could come up with others too.
Part of the problem humans have is a lot of their beliefs are based on the fact that it 'just seems right'. Usually, if pressed, they can rationalise it with quotes from some religious text. Of course, what 'just seems right' to one man is an awful waste to another.
You can react differently by reacting differently. You can't change the physical event, but you can change how attached you are to something, you can change how you feel. Feelings do not control you any more than thoughts of bodily sensations do, on the contrary, 'you' create feelings. Try creating different ones, since the ones you're currently creating seem to be causing you pain.
You don't need to process every event throughout your life that provoked an emotional response. You've done most of it while you sleep. It's the process of storing short term memories as long term ones. Humans have long noticed that long term memories are usually far less vivid, and far less intense than short term ones. So in order to turn a short term memory into a long term one, it has to be processed, the emotional edge taken off. If your mind never dreamed, your entire life would be remembered as if it was still short term memory, and the cumulative feelings would destroy your mind.
It's nice that you were able to enjoy yourself for a time, even if you spent a lot of it crying. Not a bad thing to do really. At least it gets it off your chest somewhat, and at least you're with someone you love while you do it. Still, keep in mind you don't know exactly what your souls got in mind, nor Jacks. Try to take some time to look at things from outside yourself, and ask, 'how does this experience relate to who I am?'
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 11 July 2008 16:54
To: God
Subject: FW: Company
Oh it's not a joke, but you do have the choice. Maybe you just haven't realised how easy it is for humans to change what they feel. Of course, it's much more difficult when you believe it's not possible. With me it's true, but with you, there are still probability paths that might lead to you being happy. Just takes the biscuit really, virtually everyone else can do it but me...
Well, it wouldn't be sadism exactly but it looks like my soul is the most awful kind of idiot. Probably volunteered first for the 'who wants to live the worst possible life ever' idea.
Ah well, just have to lock Jack in your room then.
Love and light are things that affect other people,
Signature - I'm not always this depressed... Except when I feel, think or do anything really...
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