Re: Sex ed and stuff
Well, first up (and this is something you've mentioned before) I think we'd better say something about the commandments. As it stands people see it like God feels strongly enough to 'command' that people live by 10 particular rules. Yet, God is all powerful and all knowing. If I was to command that people do something, they would be incapable of doing otherwise. I know the Christians would have people believe that Satan tempts people to break my 'commands', but to say such is to say I have no power over my own creations. Not that Satan exists of course, except in your imagination.
So, another thing that might shock you, although not as bad as last time I said this. At least, not in a disgusting way. Might shake up some religious views, but I think that's been happening anyway.
There is NO such thing as God's 10 commandments. I have no reason or particular desire to 'command' anyone, and to do so would be to strip my creations of part of their free will. I created you that you might be free from restrictions, to do that, to experience that and understand that however, you must be bound by them. You do this by choice, and that choice can (like all others) be changed at any time.
Now, as to revenge against Damien, for a compassionate soul such as yourself, the worst that could happen is not that you could be thrown in prison. No doubt that would happen, but far worse for your own conscience would be the effect it would have on others. Despite what most people would like to believe about themselves, other people's opinions have a great impact on humans. I can't imagine you'd enjoy people thinking you'd lost your sanity while being stuck in a place in the company of others who actually had.
Now fantasy is a different matter, fantasy has zero effect on other people, therefore even for someone guided by 'human' ethics fantasy about any subject under or over the sun is perfectly acceptable. Of course, living in fantasy might well be bad for your mental health.
Having said that, Gabriel mentioned that for some unknown person who did choose to go down that route, that anal probes with large retractable metal spikes and an internal motor might be the way to go. Apparently she saw it in a movie once, wasn't sure of the name though...
A big point that you and a lot of other people make is about 'resisting temptation'. The question I'd put to you is why you'd want to? After all, if you're tempted, you must desire whatever it is you're tempted about! Thanks to your own comments and Gabriel's, one of the things you and a vast amount of other humans have been hung up on is the right time to 'do it'.
Well, sorry if this breaks anyone's special plan of that romantic first time (sadly most of the female populace in the developed world) but there is no right time for sex. Of course, nor is there any wrong time. Over the centuries, parents have taught their daughters that their virginity is something very special, which has to be lost in just the right way. Young men however, tend to have a very different viewpoint. For men, the loss of virginity is something essential! It is to be reached as soon as possible, almost like the ascension into manhood.
Both are damaging, especially in light of the fact that it creates an atmosphere where men desire and women resist. A perfect breeding ground for men to take advantage of women through manipulation, and in the worst of cases, by force. Naturally, most parents do not teach their children this out of spite. It is easy to believe they are doing good, for have they not heard on the TV's and in their papers about the crime, teenage pregnancies and STD's? Have they not been taught this by their own parents, and they by theirs? To top it off, doesn't it just sound very nice and romantic?
Given all that, it seems only right to teach people of the virtues of abstaining, but like humans usually do, this is taking a very much individualised view of things. They are not seeing the bigger problem, they are not seeing the damage they cause their children's minds.
Let's put it this way, if a young child, boy or girl, discovers as children do that touching a 'certain part' of themselves gives them pleasure, not having experienced it before they quite innocently continue to do so. Then one of the parents notices, and reacts with horror at the sight. This is quite natural, it's gotten a very poor reputation in the media, and what would the neighbours think!? The child however, knows nothing about that. All the child knows is that that feeling of pleasure is 'wrong', and something to be embarrassed about rather than enjoyed. That feeling nicely fits in with current religious teachings, and so people can kid themselves that teaching such things are ok.
It is not STD's, teenage pregnancy or cases of rape which have caused the sexual problems today. They are the RESULT of it.
This is not to say of course, that you should go out sleeping around without protection. For I am speaking here in terms of general human society rather than your good self. Not that it would be wrong, or land you in hell, but it might serve you to 'play safe', that is when you're over the feelings of shame and hesitation you feel. After all, we created sex that humans might enjoy the experience, and instead it's covered up, resisted and when it must happen, hidden behind ideas of 'for procreation only', and then only in a secure contract (did I say contract I meant marriage).
That incidentally, is why I see marriage as something that is "bad for you". It is a statement, backed up by the church and the government that defines conditional love. It is difficult to get out of once committed, and generally if one has to ask for such a "commitment", they ought to be "committed".
It is also worth mentioning, that ironically nuns are the epitome of the attitude that causes the horrors of sexual crime you see today. If any group could be said not to 'follow me', they'd be very high on the list.
Many thanks,
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 29 April 2008 20:47
To: God
Subject: FW: Marriage and Virginity
Here's the latest one, and I must point out that my lawyer has confirmed that I spoke with him about the 'holiday' before it was mentioned, and said specifically that it was only a joke.
Incidentally, has anyone seen my toothbrush? I left it around here somewhere...
This'll be my last message for a bit since I'll be meditating with Michael for a couple of days. Trying to do VERY important spiritual things here, and since I'll be in such a trance state most of the time, I won't be saying or doing anything to anyone. Also, we must not be gazed upon, so stay out of my room.
Raphael will be filling in for me while I'm gone.
Love, light and medical experiments,
Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!
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