Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To: Poppy
Re: Bibles, Cherries and Choices

Well, I did warn you in advance about the mental preparations. Of course they left it out, by the time they did their research properly they were committed to it, they had to or they'd have looked like fools (not that they didn't end up looking that way anyway). But there were scattered memories of the 'real Jesus' left over the generations, even in the Christians. Why else do people say "Jesus Christ!" when they see something that shocks the hell out of them?

You get over something that hurts not through time or a shoulder to cry on (though both these things can help), but by understanding and accepting it. If I took away the memory of it, what could you possibly learn from it? The past is gone, the future awaits. Make of it what you will.

Now, one thing you mention is if hell and Satan don't exist, what possibly motivates people not to take revenge on those who hurt you? In other words, if there's no punishment for 'evil' why not act on those feelings? Well, the answer to that is you could take your revenge. In heaven, there is not punishment for such.

Human society however, realising this have taken it upon themselves to organise laws to try to prevent this. The basic idea goes something like this:

"It is a person's free will to go out and commit murder. Just as it is societies free will to lock them up until they die."

Of course, that doesn't happen until after the event, so the final decision is yours, and always has been. What might be a helpful guideline to follow for this and any action you take is, "Does this action represent who I want to be?"

Over to you on that one.

Oh my soul, I'm not against divorce! If I made such judgements I'd be against marriage if anything! You people talk of a God who's "unconditionally" loving which you say is the example to live by, and then, when people fall in love you make a ceremony where you set up the exact terms and conditions of your love! It's all very nicely dressed up with the big white dress and the cake, and everyone knows the honeymoon is great fun but goodness, did it never occur to anyone that if people love each other and want to spend their lives together such a thing would never be necessary?

Maybe they call it "falling" in love for a reason hmmm?

As to the fact that you're so glad Damien wasn't your "first" (not to put too fine a point on the fact you're a virgin), I will say that teaching girls at a young age that they must be pure and chaste for their one true love has done more psychological damage than any other teaching, even those of Jesus. We both know that's saying a lot.

Try not to worry about your Mum and anyone else who's 'died', they may not be happy, but they WILL be. Heaven's a great target to have in life because in the end, you can't miss it. Unless of course, you're Japanese.

-----Original Message-----

From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]

Sent: 29 April 2008 11:59

To: God

Subject: FW: The Bible

Oh wow you're going to love this one, there's a great bit when she talks about marriage and divorce. And get this, she's a virgin! Yummy!

In an unrelated matter, I'd like to book my next holiday with Michael for:

Time - Whenever this conversation is over.

Place - Within a mile of wherever this girl lives.

Forms - Two very attractive and 'well sized' human males..

Love, light and medical experiments,


Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!

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