Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To: God
Re: The Bible

Okay, there were an awful lot of things in that last email that I would have been happier not knowing, and a few unpleasant images that I’m doing my best to push out of my mind before they leave me scarred for life.

I suppose I should have known that the Bible couldn’t be completely true (Jesus walking on water?) but it kinda hurts my feelings being told that by someone I know can’t be lying. I’ve lived my life by the Bible, and now you’re telling me it’s all lies, and even the bits that are based on the truth don’t really have it right either. From what you tell me, it seems more like Damien’s been doing what Jesus would have done, rather than me. I’m really trying hard to ignore what you told me about Jesus’ teenage years. I had always wondered, but I can’t say I blame them now for leaving that part out.

From what you say though, it seems like I’m only feeling hurt because I’m choosing to be, but you make it sound so easy to just get over it! How can I get over it when it never stops hurting? Isn’t there something you can do to just make me forget about everything and start again?

Oh, by the way, I saw Damien in town yesterday. He wanted to talk to me but I’m just not interested at all. I know he’s just going to try to come up with some excuse to explain everything he’s done and tell me we should get back together, but I’m not having it. I know you say Damien’s giving me a reason to forgive, but can’t see myself forgiving him for a very long time. If it wasn’t for the ‘thou shalt not kill’ thing, I might find myself taking a leaf out of Eve’s book. What would Hitler do, right?

Actually, after what you said about Lucifer not existing, it makes it even harder for me to stop myself from trying to get my revenge on Damien. After we split up, I consoled myself with the fact that he’d get punished for it after he died, but now he’s not? Neither Hell or Lucifer exist. What reason have I got not to go out right now with whatever sharp object comes to me first and hurting him physically as much as he’s hurt me mentally?

I guess he’s being punished enough as it is at the moment though. Turns out that his pregnant girlfriend (I know now she’s called Michelle) isn’t going to have an abortion like she said she was going to, so now Damien’s got no choice but to be a father. Can’t say I feel sorry for him. I’m just so glad that I didn’t give in to him back along. He was always trying to nag me to have sex with him, but I stood my ground and said no sex before marriage, doing what the Bible said and trying to drop a hint at him at the same time. I don’t know if he noticed it or not. Glad he didn’t though. If he had proposed and we got married and then I found out about Michelle and his other girlfriend (I still don’t know her name. I don’t even know if Michelle knows about her), I don’t know what I would have done, since you’re so against divorce. If he had got me pregnant, it would have been even worse.

I can't really say I'm pleased with what you say my mum's up to, but as long as she's happy...

Anyway, I had better be going now. Dad’s bringing this week’s girlfriend home soon and I just really don’t want to be here when he gets home.


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