To: Poppy
Re: Planning Ahead
Well, a pre-planned life wasn't what you chose at the beginning of it, and so it was not. If you like, next time you can have one where everyone loves you and nobody ever dies, how about that? A lot of people do in fact do that, but most report it to be somewhat limiting after a time. They long for more experiences, and that's what brings a lot of souls to Earth.
A lot of people tend to want to be a child. Much less responsibility, and people spend a lot more time just cooing over you. Much easier of course. No real reason to tell Damien about it, you're quite right about his likely response.
Oh no, in all likelihood the world will never work that way. That's not to say it's not possible to change though, at least not yet. There 'are' people who are starting to see the truth. If it does not happen within this planets lifetime it'll happen on another, and the process will go on. Of course, none of these unions are perfect as they are, but there are an attempt to do the right thing, to recognise that humanity is one species. The EU is worried that accepting certain countries will cause them problems later, and at the moment, it is right to do so.
In fact the odds are closer to 1 in 14 million, but still that's pretty unlikely. It just goes to show how desperate people are to spend money on odds like that. Of course, it wouldn't be too difficult for a larger business to start up a new lottery scheme that actually did send it's money to good causes, and start competing with the National Lottery. The government would still make money from the taxes of that as well.
Not that a government (or at least, unless they were very brave) would ever make that law, but it would show consumers just how much they're getting ripped off on certain things and force businesses to be honest with each other competition wise.
People have always complained about the government and their twisted ways. It's only now that technology is playing a greater role in scaring people that people are beginning to fear for the planets future.
The generational problem will always be there, but young people tend to rebel. It could still happen, some group could have decent policies AND a charming manner, and lead the country into becoming something worth living in. It'll only happen though, if enough people care about it. Vote in rubbish people and you'll get rubbish results.
Well, that just goes to show how needy humans can be. To put all your emotional requirements on a single person is quite dangerous and usually results in people getting hurt. Of course that little fact doesn't seem to stop humans from doing it... Still, it makes for an interesting experience for us all when they come back home to us.
Damien's getting what he deserves, but of course his rather confused attitude towards his situation might be at least partly due to getting raped by two angels and a fish. I'm told humans react badly to that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 27 August 2008 23:49
To: God
Subject: FW: Uncertainty
Well, no morals can be absolute. To take a trivial example, such as homicide, sometimes it's right and sometimes it's not. Humans tend to think about how it benefits them, then whether it benefits the others on their world, then they might think about the environment and such...
Now I on the other hand think only in terms of me and Michael, so there's us, then there's everyone else. We're far more important to ourselves than anyone else, so we should be putting ourselves first. Or at least, I do. Michael seems to live off catering to other people's needs, but that could be said to be his primary need. So he's really self serving too, even if it doesn't seem that way.
It IS fun to watch people (well, attractive people) in the shower. Ask anyone. Well, maybe not a priest or whatever, but anyone with normal human urges. They'll tell you.
Well, I suppose Gavreel can at least justify his purpose as something grand if not exactly pleasant... Of course, Raphael just has a fish... Probably the whole inferiority thing has turned into a total megalomania complex, but hey, ask a psychiatrist. It'll be one of those questions that starts with "I have a friend that..."
Yeah people love drama... But hey, there's always people being watched by angels. It's just you aren't always been watched by angels with the kind of pure thoughts you might have expected. Oh yeah, was going to mention the beach. You should wear more uh... Revealing clothing on the beach and, well, everywhere else in fact.
Love, light and medical experiments,
Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!
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