To: Poppy
Re: Unity and the Important Things
Then you'll have your work cut out for you, but what you want is what is, short term at least. You can't avoid people dying forever, and for now you're happy with the one you love. It's not as bad as it could be, and there are always more opportunities for relationships. Of course, it is the attachments that bring you pain, because when the bond is cut the band snaps back and hits you in the face (metaphorically).
Children tend to have less responsibility, but there's little reason you can't have some of that back sometimes. Take some time out to 'play' if you need to, nothing wrong in that. But of course, childhood has to end sometime and that innocence dies a little with that. There's benefits to being an adult too though, you can actually understand the results of your efforts. Relationships are much more interesting too.
Well, the purpose of the EU is primarily one of political unity. Common standards of measurement, currency, foreign policy and so forth. Whether it succeeds in these things or not is entirely debatable, but the purpose is an admirable one all the same.
It is interesting how people only really seem proud of being 'British' when the little things that people like are threatened. To take the obvious example, there was some heated debate over whether or not to go fully metric. To the more intelligent and clear minded amongst you, it doesn't matter at all where the system came from, or whether it's being 'forced' on the British. It only matters that it's clearly a better system than the old Imperial one. Of course, a lot of people liked their British Pints and such, and so they fought hard and long, and eventually a few concessions were made, probably the most important being the right to post amounts in both systems.
Of course, the fact that humans were and are quibbling over what is essentially pride, when people are still living in horrific conditions across the globe says something about peoples priorities, but hey, they get to drink beer in pint glasses so they can forget about stuff like that.
Well, a company could make profit and donate to good causes. Nobody would mind a company making enough to get a tidy profit, as long as the bulk of it went to good causes.
In theory of course, such a political party could easily exist. However, in today's Britain the government has lost almost all credibility with the public, and anyone who's a politician would have a very hard time gaining the trust of anyone. Still, that's an issue that all parties have to deal with. The green party have another issue, they're known for their fanaticism, and that helps to turn people away from them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 3 September 2008 23:27
To: God
Subject: FW: Boredom
No morals are absolute, there's always a situation where any action is justified. Like with homicide (or even murder), some people deserve to die. Or at least, it serves your society to have them die. Several countries execute prisoners fairly regularly, when they do that, they decide to kill that person. Of course, people will debate what deserves such a punishment and what doesn't, but all morals (and everything else in fact) are relative.
We live in a universe where something only has meaning relative to something else, hot and cold, big and small, amazing and... not. Still, I do think most people would agree that drawing clothes on the page 3 girls is something that is not only morally wrong but an abomination to all sane people everywhere.
I complain about humans because they allow immense suffering for their own convenience. I'll put watching someone in the shower, or impregnating a married virgin up against human crimes morally any day. But hey, you're a youngish species, you'll get better.
Well, maybe you won't and you'll get wiped out, but that works too.
I imagine they'd have only good things to say about me! I might be a little twisted by human standards but most people like me, even if it's kinda reluctantly. Maybe they could figure out why that is...
It IS fun to watch people in the shower. Try it sometime, you'll like it!
Yeah when you're bored your audience tends to get bored too, but there are other times when we're drooling with anticipation. Maybe you could do some dancing or tell some jokes to keep us entertained during those "quiet times"?
When at a human beach you should wear the "absolute minimum" required to avoid being arrested! And of course, you have to find someone nice to put some suntan on those hard to reach areas. Jack will be good at that. A bikini would be a start I suppose...
Now this is why I should have my own religion, my rules would be so much more fun:
"And lo, the glorious one declared, that aside from the purpose of protection from the elements and other hazards, (and people over the age of 40 or under the age of 14) all clothing is an abomination unto me."
Love, light and medical experiments,
Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!
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