To: Poppy
Re: Sense
Well, it does make sense for you and Jack to be married. You're obviously very much in love and therefore marriage becomes a statement of unity, rather than the sham it usually becomes. That's how it should be, if such a thing was necessary at all. With regards to your Dad, it might be interesting when he does discover it. After all, who wants to think their relationship with their child has deteriorated to the point where they don't tell you they're getting married? It might even inspire him to talk to you.
You should definitely talk to Jack about his Father, after all, when you're married you're supposed to share everything, including troubled memories. Sensitive subjects are usually the ones that help you see exactly who people are, and sharing such things with those you love and trust is always a good thing, if the relationship is genuine. It's probably better getting married the way you are, in a church it would be somewhat of a lie now, at least where the religious aspect is concerned. Well, you know you're going abroad but it could be anywhere so Jack can still keep it mostly secret.
You might not miss having that kind of relationship as a kid, but even knowing it can happen, you don't have to miss it now. It is quite possible to be single and happy at the same time, and there's no reason to get involved in a relationship just for the sake of it. A rule of thumb might be that if you can't imagine life without someone, you're probably too attached. Be very careful where you feelings take you, because needing someone as opposed to loving them makes for a very unhealthy relationship.
There is no reason to tell Damien anything if you don't want to, you certainly don't owe him anything even if he is to be pitied. Still, like you say, it might make him back off a little if he knows you're getting married.
Health and Safety in your country has become something of a Joke. Kids are resilient, and they can live with a hit from a conker. No need to restrict them on such trivial things. The irony is of course that they try to protect them physically and go completely overboard. Emotionally it's a different story, children watch television that deals with issues far beyond their understanding, and they are generally consistently lied to by their parents. There's always justification for such things, but it becomes the way children see the world, and minimalises your chances of the next generation changing the world for the better, and therefore your races chances of a future at all.
Well, the NHS don't make money, it's funded by taxes but they are supposed to stay within their budget. The fact that they obviously can't shows that not only is the system being mismanaged, but that there is a greater economic problem for the entire country.
The government drive virtually everyone nuts for one reason or another, but very few people are willing to actually create a political party so they can stand up and be counted. Of those that do, they tend to be very focused on specific issues, rather than having a plan to change everything for the better. It's a shame, because things haven't yet reached the point where you couldn't recover. Even the damage to the environment could be undone with time.
Of course, political correctness is another thing than annoys people, so dressing up as a terrorist is an offence you can be fired for. Such holding back of expressive feelings does nothing good for anyone, and like you say, people would do well to lighten up. Might even lighten up to the point where they could negotiate peace with such terrorists. They're people too, desperate people but people all the same. No reason why they wouldn't listen to reason. People make peace, not war.
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 14 September 2008 20:47
To: God
Subject: FW: Planning
Why do you need to reform criminals exactly? Or punish them for that matter? If someone's proved guilty of a high level crime why not just chop their heads off? It's not like you 'need' them as part of society, you've got more than enough people about!
Still, you have to think from the Police's point of view that being impartial, there's really no proof. With no witnesses or anything you can't punish people like that. If it was guilty until proven innocent you'd have a world of trouble. Course, you do anyway, but it'd be even worse.
Ha, I like the way you think that anyone who reads The Sun is doomed to have a crappy life! I also like the way these 'intelligent' newspapers talk about how much the rainforests are being decimated. Humans are a stupid race most of the time. Ever thought of just getting your news on the net?
People 'are' sex objects! They're other things too, but sex is a huge part of instinct. Of course, it has to be otherwise you'd never reproduce. Now, don't knock it until you've tried it. You'll see Jack in the shower yourself one day, and you'll know that:
a) I'm watching and
b) You'll be too tempted by the sight that you'll have to join him anyway and
c) Again regardless of point a), you'll have to have sex with him, in the shower, because of point b)
When it happens, just remember I told you so!
Romantic! I like that. You tell me that, then say in the next paragraph that you 'wanted to rip his clothes off there and then'! Not that I'm complaining, you're taking your first steps after all. The lustful feelings are growing inside you, and soon you'll find out how great it all is.
Still, play safe. Have yourselves tested and get some birth control. Human life is so fragile, and it'd be a great shame if you got some horrible disease out of it. Hey! I'm responsible... Well ok, maybe I wasn't before, but I'm not making any new babies! That's Michael's influence that is.
Oh come on, your love is something to be celebrated. Celebrated with thousands upon thousands of angels watching and cheering!
It's not so much Christians that lack common sense, but all humans. Especially the Jehovah’s Witnesses, although they're just insane. I did used to enjoy seducing them though, ah memories...
Perhaps I should arrive a little before the wedding day to uh, help with your makeup? Also you'll need a hen night, I'll have to arrange to have you abducted since I know you won't agree to come by just asking. Do Jack's family/friends have anything planned for him? I'm sure we could do something nice for him too if they don't (or even if they do and it's crap).
Ok your rules...
1. A WHOLE DAY?! You mean a single full rotation of your planet?! That's just silly. I could maybe manage to refrain from it during the actual ceremony, I guess I can bring a vibrator or something.
2. You mean to tell me there's going to be no pole dancers at your wedding? Couldn't you book them in time or something? That's a shame. I guess I could accommodate you with three inches above the knee, I'll just have to be a girl with small thighs or something. Five inches below the collarbone could probably be done too, although I'll have to watch my proportions. Maybe if my boobs are high enough and big enough that could work.
3. Ok look, I'm not showing up dressed like some kind of Muslim fascist here. If people look at me weird, I'll do what I always do and just flash them. Or I could use my seductive smile, and they'll melt like ice to water. Then boil like water to steam. By that time I'll be on them, and, well, ever see a supernova? It'll be quite a lot like that in many ways.
4. Why don't you just put shit through my letterbox? Metaphorically of course, since I don't have one... As for the PG limit, well, that's just impossible.
Oh, by the way, I'll be coming as a girl and Michael will be a guy, so remember that when you make up a story for us. Saying 'anything lewd or inappropriate' can mean so many things, and it's just impossible for me not to do that, relative to what's going on around me. It's part of my very soul. That's my excuse anyway.
I can't wait either!
Love, light and medical experiments,
Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!
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