To: Poppy
Re: Playing the Game
Well that's exactly it. Nothing you do truly matters, at least universally speaking. So the only thing that matters is the importance you assign to what you do. Still, the universe is basically like a computer game. You work your way through it the best way you can, and afterwards, win or lose you get asked "Play again?". Of course, it's not the end that matters but the here and now, which is why you're there in the first place. This is also what happens to those who are said to be 'enlightened', if they truly are, death follows them quite quickly.
People on your planet often say the old ways are the best. Speaking in matters of commerce, they're dead wrong. Of course, sharing resources 'freely' doesn't work either, your history has proven that. You could make good use of your technology to create a system of job ratings. Rather than have an amount of currency, you could have a rating (say, between 0 and 100) for each job, maybe including one for those in education as well. A rating could be fixed or variable, depending on the job. For example, a fire-fighter might have a fixed rating, since each one does essentially the same job. However, a singer might have a variable one, which changes depending on how many people download their music, and how they rate it, how many times they play it etc. This would make all music free, while allowing the singer to improve their life by creating it, so long as it's good. So there would be far more emphasis on making quality music that people will like, rather than a couple of good songs and fillers for the rest. Of course, the same idea applies to virtually everything that people make. The system as a whole would have the added benefit of allowing complete control over exactly how well off (or not) someone could be. It could eliminate homelessness very quickly.
One problem is, as stated before, that too few people care enough. Another of course, is that despite the protests, not everyone agreed with them. A fair amount of people wanted to see Saddam Hussein removed from power, regardless of the WMD rumour. If the people cared enough about it, they'd force the government from power, but your present government has remained in power since 1997. One big problem people face of course, is who to replace them with? The fact that there is no political party which commands trust from the public has led to a mass of voter apathy, which could in itself cause problems. How could a party claim to be speaking the will of the people if they were only elected by say 10% of the populace?
In the ideal situation, everyone would vote on every issue. It would take a lot of setting up, but it could be done. Of course, most people are below the average intelligence threshold and generally out for themselves, so one feels compelled to ask whether this would actually work to the countries benefit? Already you have people voting on issues they are simply not qualified to vote on, the most obvious of which apply to those laws on scientific and medical issues.
I will not directly interfere on the choices of your souls. Yours has chosen to experience this, even if you do not know it consciously. This is why people who are more in touch with their souls tend to be happier, not because things are physically any different, but because they know it all works out in the end.
The truth is, it doesn't matter. As long as souls are having new experiences we are improving ourselves, we are experiencing ourselves. We lose ourselves in the experience so we can experience the intricacies of relationships (to each other and all things).
-----Original Message-----
From: Complaints Department [mailto:Address removed by anti spam software]
Sent: 31 July 2008 12:19
To: God
Subject: FW: Illusion and Power
Well that was interesting...
I was just getting ready to come back in a perfectly dignified way (I mean ok I was naked but the culture I was with never came up with the idea of clothing) through the soul tunnel, when something unusual happened. Just as I opened the tunnel, a great big fist came out about 3 times as big as me and smacked me in the head. My head came off my body, flew almost a mile away and survived for nearly 5 minutes Earth time before dying. Remind me to punish Camael when I have some time.
Still, other than that everything went pretty well! I met (read slept with) a lot of people, and most of my children are doing pretty well. Well they are now, since I had to solve a few problems for them. Anyway, a few abductions/threats/rapes later and I think it's all good.
By the way, that saying, that less is more. Total rubbish. You 'always' have to want more for it ever to be enough!
Love, light and medical experiments,
Signature - There'll be time for explanations later. And hopefully, some sex!
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